Welcome to the Qin Terra world lore page! This is a summary of elements of the comic that aren't necessarily important to the story, but might be interesting for readers who want a further understanding of the world.
Also feel free to come to any of my social medias and ask me questions about the world, as I love to share this story - even the parts that won't be part of the publications.
Also feel free to come to any of my social medias and ask me questions about the world, as I love to share this story - even the parts that won't be part of the publications.
Aemu (click)
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The wildlife on the Aemu's planet, unlike the primary species on our own, cannot be separated into 'fauna' and 'flora'. Instead, most of the creatures (aside from the Aemu) sustain themselves using a mixture of sunlight and by consuming other living creatures. It varies between species as to how this ratio balances. Aemu are the only creature on the planet that lives entirely from eating other beings, and as such they are also the only ones to not have leaf matter as part of their body formation.
Chamine Aemus have, over generations, domesticated a variety of wildlife to serve and give them company. One of such pets is the chamine. They are easy to manage as they have diets that are as unrestricted as Aemu and can eat pretty much anything, and even better, they don't need an awful lot to survive as they are very efficient at converting sunlight - this reflects in their energy levels. The reason chamines are so popular is that over time and after developing bonds with particular Aemu, their visage tends to reflect that of their masters. It's believed that in the wild ancestors of chamines, this was an important way of establishing which packs individuals belonged to, but it's hard to say for what purpose as the chamines' closest relative species does not have this particular ability. It is also not known if there is an element of conscious thought involved; meaning, they aren't sure if chamines decide to look different, or if it somehow happens automatically. Ruska Qin's pet chamine is called Ruska. It has been Qin's companion for many years. It was gifted to the family by Bokan, Qin's best friend. As such, Ruska takes on aspects of Qin's appearance. It is also orange-skinned with red ear tips (that reflect the colour of Qin's bulbs). Curiously, however, Ruska has wings, which it can use for short periods of time to actually fly. Even stranger, it only developed these wings while in the company of Qin and their family. |
Possibly the largest land creatures on the whole planet, the Terra clan's namesake are huge beasts who don't ever seem to age, die, or stop growing. They live almost entirely on sunlight, and move very slowly. Herds of terries will stay in the same location for millennia, making yearly rounds to get the most out of the sunlight without venturing far. They move slowly, so slowly that you'd hardly notice from watching them. The only day-to-day signs that they are truly alive is the movement of their leaves, which flap in great hefts and cause warm winds to spread across the local land.
Possibly the largest land creatures on the whole planet, the Terra clan's namesake are huge beasts who don't ever seem to age, die, or stop growing. They live almost entirely on sunlight, and move very slowly. Herds of terries will stay in the same location for millennia, making yearly rounds to get the most out of the sunlight without venturing far. They move slowly, so slowly that you'd hardly notice from watching them. The only day-to-day signs that they are truly alive is the movement of their leaves, which flap in great hefts and cause warm winds to spread across the local land.
This page last updated June 2022 - You'll find a more direct update of my work by following me on social media