(pronounced AY-MOO or AY-MYOO)
Aemu are the 'primary' species of their planet. They take a similar role to that of humans on ours.
General Appearance
Adult aemus are typically between 25 and 32cm tall. They have light hairs on their skin (like humans). Their skin colours vary between two colour-types, orange and blue-violet. They have two arms and two legs and stand upright. They have 3 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand, and two toes on each foot. They have medium-length tails that they use for balance when running. Aemu are generally agile, but not particularly fast.
Aemu have hanging 'bulbs' that hang from 'wires' attached to their heads. The bulbs include a small heart-like organs that creates electricity.
Aemu have hanging 'bulbs' that hang from 'wires' attached to their heads. The bulbs include a small heart-like organs that creates electricity.
Orange colour-type
Skin colours of individuals with orange colour-type range from an orange-yellow to an orange-red in hue and vary in saturation and darkness meaning some individuals with orange colour-type appear brown or grey. Orange colour-types tend to have feet of a slightly different shade than their main bodies, though this isn't always the case.
Blue-violet colour-type
Individuals with blue-violet colour-type have skin in shades of blue or indigo. Very rarely members may appear more green.
Skin colour-type is typically hereditary, meaning offspring are more likely to inherit the colour-type and shade of one of their parents. However, due to the complicated biology and genetics of aemu, children can be born of any colour-type and there is generally no confusion or stigma in this regard. Siblings, if produced by the same parents, tend to have the same colour-type as each other - even if it is different to their parents.
Eyes and Hair
Aemus have bright coloured hair of one or more shades. As hair isn't separated into colour-types, their range is a lot more varied. Aemu eye colour is equally as varied in specific colours but even more random in distribution, as it is typically rare for members in immediate family groups to share eye colours with siblings.
Skin colours of individuals with orange colour-type range from an orange-yellow to an orange-red in hue and vary in saturation and darkness meaning some individuals with orange colour-type appear brown or grey. Orange colour-types tend to have feet of a slightly different shade than their main bodies, though this isn't always the case.
Blue-violet colour-type
Individuals with blue-violet colour-type have skin in shades of blue or indigo. Very rarely members may appear more green.
Skin colour-type is typically hereditary, meaning offspring are more likely to inherit the colour-type and shade of one of their parents. However, due to the complicated biology and genetics of aemu, children can be born of any colour-type and there is generally no confusion or stigma in this regard. Siblings, if produced by the same parents, tend to have the same colour-type as each other - even if it is different to their parents.
Eyes and Hair
Aemus have bright coloured hair of one or more shades. As hair isn't separated into colour-types, their range is a lot more varied. Aemu eye colour is equally as varied in specific colours but even more random in distribution, as it is typically rare for members in immediate family groups to share eye colours with siblings.
Bulbs are an external organ that are primarily used to sense movement and sound. Their other main usage is to display emotions and intentions to other aemus. They are used as a fundamental part of courtship as well as general communication. Electricity Bulbs can create and conduct electricity by means of a small 'heart' within each one. The energy can be used to trigger bioluminescence within the bulbs - making them light up. They can also use the electric current to shock smaller creatures causing pain or death and are used when food-finding. |
Social Groups and Behaviour
Aemu live in large social groups called clans. It will include around 100 individuals, but some groups exceed 500. Generally a clan will be made up of smaller family groups that will live together. Family groups are usually lead by mature mating adults, which could be a single, couple or triad, along with their children, which may or may not be biologically related. Adoption between clan members is fairly common, but this is a cultural variance and in some clans is more accepted while in others it is so taboo that adopted members might never find out this is the case.
Clans make alliances with neighbours and a typical practice is 'advocate sharing', where each clan will nominate an individual to regularly attend meetings and sit-in with elders of the other clan in order to understand that clan's social structure, beliefs, common understandings and practices. The advocates work as mediators for when the clans make deals with each other - this is to ensure fairness and understanding between two societies that may be quite different and to stop offense from being caused or claims of unfairness that comes from misunderstandings.
Clans make alliances with neighbours and a typical practice is 'advocate sharing', where each clan will nominate an individual to regularly attend meetings and sit-in with elders of the other clan in order to understand that clan's social structure, beliefs, common understandings and practices. The advocates work as mediators for when the clans make deals with each other - this is to ensure fairness and understanding between two societies that may be quite different and to stop offense from being caused or claims of unfairness that comes from misunderstandings.
Aemu are the only species on the planet that do not produce any energy via photosynthesis. Most lifeforms make energy by a mixture of eating other creatures and processing sunlight, to varying degrees. The theories as to why aemu don't use photosynthesis ranges from ideas that their predecessors lived underground, and superstition such as the belief that they were created by a different god, or at a different time to the rest of the world.
Because they can't use sunlight, aemu are pretty much always eating when food is available. They eat a mixture of wild prey and farmed creatures, though to which degree depends on the clan. Youngsters will rely on mature siblings and parents to hunt for them, but will join in cooking and preparing food from a young age. Again, how children transition from this to hunting their own food will vary between clan - some celebrate it as a 'coming of age', while other's have harsher practices such as not allowing the child to eat food hunted by others.
Because they can't use sunlight, aemu are pretty much always eating when food is available. They eat a mixture of wild prey and farmed creatures, though to which degree depends on the clan. Youngsters will rely on mature siblings and parents to hunt for them, but will join in cooking and preparing food from a young age. Again, how children transition from this to hunting their own food will vary between clan - some celebrate it as a 'coming of age', while other's have harsher practices such as not allowing the child to eat food hunted by others.
Navigation (World Lore):-
Aemu - Chamine - Treason - Drewrat - Greeph - Guyden
Terra Clan - Tamon Clan
Myths and Legends:
The Story of Creation
Aemu - Chamine - Treason - Drewrat - Greeph - Guyden
Terra Clan - Tamon Clan
Myths and Legends:
The Story of Creation
This page last updated July 2022 - You'll find a more direct update of my work by following me on social media