Chapter 4 : The Blue Cocoon Master
Among the scattered ruins of Gehena Pale, you find yourself face-to-face with what appears to be a small dragon. Aside from the Onibubu, your direct experience with Divine Beasts had been severely limited up to this point. You feel a mixture of anxiety, sincerity for your cause and...excitement. Until this moment, being a Cocoon Master was simply your destiny. A task you always knew you'd have to uphold. A title made from chains that bound your fate outside of your will and control. But with this little beast stood before you, your heart pounding in your chest, the Blue Cocoon Master watching on in anticipation... you pull out your Ocarina and transform 'Cocoon Master' from a choking fate into... your true calling.
Chapter 5 : The Bird Man
You reach out for the strange tablet lying by the water. There is only time to read the first part of the title, "The Secret To Killing..." before you hear the beating of mighty wings and feel a firm but gentle tap on your shoulder. 'What are you doing? That's mine!' You turn to see a beast of a man standing before you. At first you think it's a scrungly man in a costume but there is something more to him that you cannot place. He speaks as though nerved by your prescence, but with enough authority that you simply hand the tablet back as soon as he asks. Could that have been... the legendary Bird Man?
Chapter 6 : The Imprisonment
You hold your breath. The Great Tree stands before you, you can hear its heart beating, somehow, and you're blown away by its magnificence. The swampy moor at its feet is lit by the glowing plants of the Spider Forest that had lain the path all the way here. There rests the Calabas, with its distinct shape and scent, but before you have chance to think about harvesting any, the amulet in your pocket vibrates and a bright light engulfs you. Your heart sinks as you realise what has happened. How could we do this to a God? Humans are so foolish... You are overwhelmed with a sudden panic. What is happening back in Syrus?
Chapter 9 : The Promised Land
The tears hadn't stopped flowing since you left your village for what would possibly be the last time. The warm Jade Cocoon in your pocket gives some comfort, but you feel so alone. It has been such a long journey...but she'd always been by your side... hadn't she? There is something off about the beasts in this forest, they are somehow more subdued. Is it because she's here? The sleeping dogs and inquisitive ogres seem to escort you through the ancient ruins, beautifully intact. The murals on the walls remind you of the tales the old gravekeeper would tell you growing up. You wonder who will tell your story when all this is over.